Coming Home (A Poem)

When you were taken, we all prayed for you. 

We went out to the streets and protested, 

Some even went to the borders and screamed for you, 

In a helpless cry for your salvation. 

Millions and millions of words spoken and written in your defense, 

And you stayed strong. 

470 days in captivity, and you stayed strong. 

We cried as we prayed, and we danced on Simchat Torah, 

Because no matter the cost, our tradition will not be broken. 

We debated with strangers; some of us came home battered and bruised, 

And the silent prayers of so many: 

Making challah, 

Putting on tefillin, 

Giving tzedakah, 

And the letters and notes left in the Kotel. 

We feel as though you are one with us, 

We feel as if we know you, 

Your names so close to us. 

In each of our worldly struggles, we made room for you in our prayers. 

We asked for your rescue, 

We broke the heavens with our cries. 

But as you were released, 

Nothing showed more about our solidarity with you than the work of the IDF in the outskirts of Gaza. 

When you were driven to the border, you saw the destruction, 

The thousands of buildings bombed and obliterated, 

To avenge the blood of those lost, 

To ensure it never happens again, 

And to find you and rescue YOU. 

We sent socks to the soldiers, 

And you endured hell. 

With my open mind, I wonder how small my problems really are, 

Watching you come up from hell, literally. 

The destruction that ensued shall serve as a reminder to them that this will never happen again. 

And although they may have made advances politically, 

We are stronger than ever, 


Supporting one another, 

And an unparalleled closeness to our Creator. 

We have wound the strings of our nation, 

From all walks of the earth, 

And bound them together into the strongest rope. 

But in truth, 

The rope was always there, and it was always as strong as it is today. 

This war has tested its strength, 

But as you enter your mother's arms, 

Know this: 

The nation of Israel is by your side, one nest to hold you forever. 

In the face of the trauma you experienced, we will continue to support you, 

And we will never forget the hell they put you through. 

We will wage war with the psyche now. 

We will help you overcome this hell. 

K’Ish Echad B’Lev Echad, 

We will continue to pray for your healing. 

It will be a road of pain and dread, 

But we will stand by you with open arms, 

To hold you, 

And love you, 

For all of time. 

 -Joseph Rothvogel

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