Do What You Love 101 (A Poem)

For the light that once lived,
Lost somehow,
Blinded by the circumstances,
Faded into into a distant memory,
Faded into a distant memory.
A dark chamber opens up in my mind,
I can see the light but it's faded,
The memory of a long lost dream,
Slowly coming back to life,
As I revisit my ancient aspirations,
To travel
To learn
To widen my my perspective on this beautiful world...
The guiding light of right & wrong,
The intuitive notion to do what's right,
Comes from a place deep inside my soul,
But it's locked in the cages of microeconomics,
Work hard play hard but no time to think,
Small children,
Grown men,
All going for the same prize,
A stable life...
What's so good about a nine to five?
Working for the weekend & living in the past?
Working for vacations,
Only living twice a year,
Paid for a day off,
Lost in the illusion of freedom,
What's the big picture here?
What are the dreams of my peripheral skeptics,
When will they agree with my exhausting ideas?
Who will believe in me as I have in my youth?
Where did this time go?
A quarter life crisis?
A millennial apocalypse...
Do what you love, 101,
That should be a major,
Or at least one of the cores!
Rowdy collage students,
Learning to be accountants,
Living for the weekend,
Minding someone else's dream,
Just chill,
Take a step back!
Think what makes you happy Dude,
You got this!
You'll get through this!
I promise!
You got this!
You just need to try,
Just put all the worries aside,
And remember,
You can't fight destiny,
You can only make life look that much more beautiful... 

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