Passover in Quarantine... (A Poem)

In the dawn of a new decade,
In a time when smiles are all around,
Something was creeping below.

A terrible evil, to take on the world,
Put people in hospitals,
Keep the rest at home.

The fear, the panic,
The pain to come was like never before.
The story of a magnificent world trolled to a halt by a single microbe.

A world that once was full of life & happiness, 
But now, burred in recession & sadness.

The nations fought for the biggest weapons, but they had to look to each other to win the war.
Companies fought for the biggest market share, but they had to look inside themselves to win the war.

They would need unity, creativity, and kindness to win this war.

A roaring economy, growth beyond anything ever seen, 
Comes to a grinding halt, as we re-assess our values...
And oh, human connection where have you gone!?

Once, the world was a place where people would see each other & hug one another with joy, 
Now we're lucky to see each other on zoom, we can't even go out of our homes.

Is this the new normal?
Is this the end of human connection?
Is this how the story of technology ends?

We cannot visit our elders,
Nor the Sick,
Nor can we visit our glorified synagogues.

We must look inside us to win the war. We must look above us to win this war...

Lines outside the supermarkets, but can't help to think, where were the lines in 1929?
Will we get there? 
How long will this microbe keep killing off people? 
What is it telling us?

How grateful to be alive?
To be young & healthy?

The young & old must look up & say, what's the message here?
That health is wealth?
To value our fellow?
That we don't need that job or that fancy car?
That time is wasting and "oh I wish I was in Israel"?
That maybe the ultimate Passover hotel, is atop a mountain in central Israel?

Money, Cars & Fame,
All worthless when people are dying.

Ushering in a new time,
Where respect is earned by caring for your elders,
Breaking the habits of herd mentality,
Breaking the barriers of online connection,

Waiting, craving,
For a time where we can go outside,
Experience the world as it once was,
Free, happy, hopeful, and fun.

From roaring markets to scorching losses,
From consumerism to essential-ism,
From keeping up with the Joneses to keeping up with the virus,
From travel to quarantine.

As we look to our leaders & they look to the heavens,
They must be kind and sympathetic to win us over,
They must speak, instill strength in their people,
Hope, unity, faith & optimism. 

This Passover, as I have my Sader alone, (and no don't invite me over),
I'll be wondering what it was like in Ancient Egypt,
When the plagues were in full force,
A Nile filled with blood,
Bodies piling up,
All for us to realize, that our comfortable lives, our belongings, 
Even the bread we bake is nothing compared to freedom.

The economy coming to a grinding halt, only to reveal the glory of god, his right hand, leading us to freedom...

I'll wonder,
What is redemption?
What is freedom?
What is happiness? & What is life?

It's the new year for kings, It's the time of our freedom,
We may just need some freedom in this crazy time... and maybe even a king.

May it be your will, that we all return home, this year. May we bring our new-fruit to celebrate, together in Jerusalem. May we rejoice atop your holy mountain, and may we look to the heavens as we greet our loved ones.

Chag Sameach, next year in Jerusalem.

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