Platonic Unknown... (A Poem)

Learning of the ways of people in their hiding,
When you open yourself up,
And you reveal your inner love,
The spiritual being that you hide from the world,
With the greatest affection,
Compassion and love,
You approach.
You take a risk to tell a world of your deepest desire to love and to hold,
She hugs you back but doesn’t answer back,
She holds you just bit longer before she lets you go,
She’s a friend that you know for years but you’ve never cemented that friendship,
You’ve always had a little spark of love waving in the wind,
You’re not quite friends but you’re not quite lovers,
She smiles with excitement when she sees you,
But you can’t figure out a way to tell her,
You love her for who she is,
You know her well enough to know she’s a gem,
A ruby to hold dear,
A souls to hold near,
You won’t let each other go,
But you won’t let yourself too close,
You fear the heartbreak,
The hurt and the pain,
You’re not afraid of loosing a friendship,
You’re not afraid if it won’t work out,
You know you’ll try and you’ll be there for her,
You know she’s a sweetheart that will hold you near,
She’ll be your partner in crime and raise your children,
She’ll slay the beast and fend for her cubs,
She’ll be there for you in your darkest of times,
And she’ll celebrate you with open arms,
But a leap of faith was never in the cards,
You sit in the park and talk about life,
But you don’t know enough to decide left or right,
You instantly connect with her cute little physique,
Her laugh and her smile ignite you on fire,
She’s a Hawaiian at heart,
A New York State of mind,
A Californian mountain soul,
Salt water beach hair,
Blond with just the right amount of frizz,
A beach goer and a leave blower,
And her smile lights up the room.

Surrounded by friends,
A soul circle cluster,
A blissful memory she brings to mind,
Years in the making leading up to this moment,
But as time goes by you think to yourself,
Where did she go,
And how has it been so long…?

She the kind of girl that lights up the world,
And comes to mind at random times,
What she up to? How’s she been?
But life goes on and time hails in the wind.

Eliminating fallacies, fake romance and fantasies,
To find the perfect one,
That fits in your arms like a winter glove. 

Just pure beauty,
Positive energy,
Cultural familiarity,
A culminating romance of perfectly woven happenstance,
Where will it go from here?
Only god knows,
A perfectly cute bundle of joy,
That I almost know inside her soul.
Just well enough that she could be,
Affinity, sincerity, clarity, and maybe some travel therapy. 

And maybe I’m making too much of this random encounter,
But when you put yourself out there,
You can’t help but think,
What’s going on on the other side?
Fireworks? Anxiety? Butterflies or something else…?

Or maybe she just never saw my text…

-Joseph Rothvogel 

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